Why I Served and Wish To Continue Serving

My World War II veteran grandfather, Howard Hunt Sr., inspired me to make a difference in whatever I would do in life. He instilled in me the value of service to country.  From early in my life, and with the support of my wife Aprile, I was honor to serve in our nation’s military for 34 years. My service was a way I could to do my part in preserving the American way of life with freedom and liberty that my family, my friends, and I enjoyed.

My military career was centered around my following the United States Air Force core values; Integrity First, Excellence in All I do, and Service before Self. These deeply ingrained values are what will continue to guide my actions in the future.

I ask for your support to allow me to continue to serve, but this time in my home county. I want to work with the Fiscal Court to meet needs of our citizens and strive to improve upon our quality of life.

Military Gallery

Because Leadership Matters

Community Service

Service Before Self

Running For Office

Qualified to Lead Boyle County


Patriot Day