Why I Served and Wish To Continue Serving
My World War II veteran grandfather, Howard Hunt Sr., inspired me to make a difference in whatever I would do in life. He instilled in me the value of service to country. From early in my life, and with the support of my wife Aprile, I was honor to serve in our nation’s military for 34 years. My service was a way I could to do my part in preserving the American way of life with freedom and liberty that my family, my friends, and I enjoyed.
My military career was centered around my following the United States Air Force core values; Integrity First, Excellence in All I do, and Service before Self. These deeply ingrained values are what will continue to guide my actions in the future.
I ask for your support to allow me to continue to serve, but this time in my home county. I want to work with the Fiscal Court to meet needs of our citizens and strive to improve upon our quality of life.
Because Leadership Matters
- Airman First Class Bebe Hanna Hunt with her father Brigadier General Howard Hunt
- Diplomatic Exchange in Almaty Kazakhstan
- Howard & Aprile Boarding Air Force One
- Lt Colonel Howard Hunt with WW II veteran and grandfather Howard Hunt Sr.
- Howard Hunt Sr. in his 8th Air Force Army Air Corps uniform during WW II
- Reviewing officer at USAF Basic Training Graduation Parade of 750 new USAF enlisted troops where daughter Hanna was on Honor Graduate.
- General Todd Wolters and the first F22 Raptor to Thunder Over Louisville Air Show
- Diplomatic Exchange
- Greeting President George W. Bush
- Doha, Cutter
- 485th Air Expeditionary Wing Staff in Saudi Arabia
- Brig Gen Howard Hunt Meets Queen Elizabeth
- Meeting with Kazakhstan Air Force Senior Officers
- At Ministry of Defense in Quito Ecuador
- Serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom
- Brig Gen Howard Hunt and wife Aprile board Air Force One
- General with Korean War Medal of Honor recipient Ernie West
- In Mess Dress speaking to KY National Guard Association guests
- Presenting Ecuadorian Air Force Chief of Staff with Kentucky Flag
- Presenting humanitarian aid goods to a Quito Ecuador orphanage
- Swearing-In of new troops at a Texas Christian University Football game
- Holding a Gold plated AK-47 during Operation Iraqi Freedom
- KY National Guard diplomatic visit to Ecuador
- Addressing the Troops
- AT Tabuk Air Base with the 485th Leadership during Operation Iraqi Freedom
- Brig Gen Howard Hunt
- Hold the American Flag in Baghdad Iraq
- Brig Gen Howard Hunt Ret. with the Royal Australian Air Force 36 Sqn
- Brig Gen Howard Hunt and Wife Aprile, meet The Queen of England
Service Before Self
- Aprile singing at the Boyle County Memorial Day observance
- Commonwealth Policy Center with KY State Treasurer Alison Ball
- Commonwealth Policy Center
- Chamber of Commerce Dinner with Kylie Foushee staff member of Congressman Brett Guthrie
- Chamber of Commerce Awards Dinner
- Chamber of Commerce Awards Dinner
- Chamber of Commerce Awards Dinner
- Commonwealth Policy Center
- Commonwealth Policy Center with Lt. Governor Jenean Hampton
- Kentucky Association of Counties staff sending Meals for Marines boxes to our troops in Afghanistan
- Howard Hunt with veteran advocate/actor John Voight at Governor Bevin’s Inauguration
- Visiting with WW II veteran Jack Patty at the Veterans Day Luncheon at the Armory
- General as Grand Marshall with Aprile at 2007 Battle of Perryville parade
- Giving an Award to Professional Golfer Chi Chi Rodriguez
- With son Price and Eddie Montgomery at Danville Veterans parade
Qualified to Lead Boyle County
- Boyle County GOP Lincoln Day Breakfast
- Boyle County GOP Lincoln Day Breakfast
- Boyle County GOP Lincoln Day Breakfast
- Boyle County GOP Lincoln Day Breakfast
- Howard Hunt filing to run for office with Rita Douglas for Boyle County Jailer
- Lunch after Howard Hunt’s Filing for Boyle County Judge Executive